Tuesday 18 January 2011

Botanical Ride 植物園ライド

Today's photos are taken in Kings Park. The biggest and most visited inner city Park in Perth. The park is coloured with full of green forests and unique West Australian Plants.

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Riding a bike is considered as an environmentally friendly activity. So why not visiting City's biggest botanical garden on our sexy and environmentally friendly looking bike in City's biggest play ground, Kings Park? But be aware, the botanical areas are pedestrians only, even Sexybicycles are not allowed to be ridden. Shame! But the Park is massive so riding around the park make you sweat very easily. It's one of the must-ride in Perth.


Sunday 9 January 2011

Riverside Dog Ride

Note* Because it's a new year and we haven't put as many pictures as we normally attach for the last weeks, we would like to show you more than many pictures this time. Also, I have attached a map of the area where all the pictures are taken so that you can enjoy the ride on your leisure. Enjoy and again happy new year, boys and girls:)



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South of Perth, a ride from Canning Bridge to Riverton. For this ride, it's not only cycling but its about dogs. You will see dogs excercising in the dog excercise areas. As far as I identified dogs are living as same as human in this area. Anyways, its a nice quiet area to ride and you might feel like jumping into the water or get a boat and go jet skiing sometime. If you like, go for it.